Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Sound of Thunder

The quote "Who controls the past, controls the future" by George Orwell means that the things that you do in the past would have an effect on what happens in your future. So the cause of the past has an effect on the future. In the story "The Sound of Thunder" and this quote relates because one of the guys had failed to stay on the path and went off and when he went off he had stepped on the butterfly which cause a domino effect into the future.

Cause- the reason for an action or condition
Effect-something that is produced by an agency or cause; result; consequence:
Affect-something that has an influnce on something
Chaos theory-a field of study in mathematics, physics, and philosophy studying the behavior of dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions
Butterfly Effect- a metaphor that encapsulates the concept of sensitive dependence on initial condictions in chaos theory namely, a small change at one place in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere 

Thursday, February 3, 2011


My personal opinion is that technology is and is not a threat to society. A reason that technology is a treat is because instead of writing a letter to someone and i think that writing a letter is more meaningful than say an email. Another reason is even instead of calling someone up to say hello and talk to them, now people just send texts. But it also is not a threat because sending a text or an email is faster than writing a letter and sending it if you want a faster response. Technology has sort of made us lazy because now with television people sit down on and watch it and aren't doing and physical activity so they aren't fit and you should or could be. How technology can affect the well-being of an individual is if you don't have it people might be lost without it but I'm my opinion i don't have to have my Ipod on me 24/7. But my phone i have to have it on me the whole time. So it may make a person feel lost without technology.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hmm, what if we could time travel?

If we could time travel, it would be awesome! I would only in time of need, and maybe sometimes just for fun. But I also think that it could mess things up because if someone or yourself goes back and tried to change something that happen it would change the future and what would happen. It would be like your not what the choice made you who you are and it could change you. Even if it was something bad like going to war and then going back in time to change that so it didn't happen and people wouldn't have died that could and probably would end up changing what we are today and because of a war never happening we could still have differences with that country and disagreement could still be going on. But say you wanted to just go back and relive a moment or go back to a moment you missed and wanted to see that would be okay because all you wanted to do it see and not change anything. Though I think that it would still be cool to time travel and see what the past was like and maybe even the future!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Tragedy in Tucson,AZ.

When i heard about Gabrielle Giffords getting shot and others have been shot and injured i was at the mall in Payless, it was horrible. So many things were running through my mind like are the people going to be okay and i wish that there was something that i could do to help, but i knew that there wasn't. I was feeling so bad for her, the others who got shot, and the family's of those people. Then when i heard that a 9 year old innocent little girl going to hear a politician speak and that was one of the things that she liked to listen too. I feel bad for her family and her for dying at such a young age and not being able to see what was ahead of her. It was such a horrific tragedy that happened and for the people who were there it was probably that much worse. I have a tiny bit of sympathy for the guy but i don't, he ruined his life by doing something that he knew was going to get him in so much trouble. I would hate to be in the position that he's in right now.

Cow Slaughtering

Even though I do eat meat the process of what the cows go through is horrible. The cows are brought to the slaughter house where they are either stunned by a shock of 300 volts and 2 amps to the back of their head or they are capitive bolt pistol to the front of the cow's head. They are then sent down the line and are hung by their hind legs, they end up cutting the heads off of them and send it down to another place so they can examine them for anything that could be bad. There is more to the process but just those first few things are horriable and i dont know how the people do what they do. I couldnt live with myself, so there for i would never be able to do that.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

South Africa. Part 1.

The word apartheid means any system or practice that seperates people according to their race, segregation. Apartheid was used in the Republic of South Africa but it was renounced in 1992.

In South Africa, they divided the people into four major racial groups: (In 1991) Africans(blacks) about 80%, whites (just over 9%) , coloreds (about 9%), and Asians (about 2.7%).  There are many languages, religions, and ethinic groups in South Africa. Their population as of this year 2010 there are 49.99 milion people. That is made up of: black 79.4%; white 9.2%; colored 8.7%. Their education are for children ages 7-15 and they are still aiming to achieve greater opportunities for them. The World Cup for soccer was held there in South Africa. The Union of South Africa was created on May 31, 1910. South Africa is the only country that gets their fuel from coal.

Nelson Mandela was born in Transkei, South Africa and he was educated at University College of Fort Hare and the University of Witwatersrand. Nelson was then quilified in the work of law in 1942. He then was elected President of the African National Congress and he was all for banning the apartheid policies. When he was put in prison he was known and accepted as the most significant black leader. When he was released on February 11, 1990 he was ready to meet the goals that the people have been set from for decades earlier.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cold Weather!

I like the cold weather but it's been too cold. Every summer i say i can't wait till winter so this heat can go away but now i can't wait till summer time for the heat to come back. This type of weather makes me not want to get up. All I want to do is just be lazy. I want to stay in bed and be under my blankets and be warm! I don't really do anything related to the outdoors this time of year because I would get cold real fast.

The things that I like about this weather is that the cold brings Christmas and most importantly hot chocolate! Hot chocolate is another thing that keeps me warm and i love it. I know when its cold Christmas is just around the cornor. That's when the part of our family we don't see to often come over to my Nana's house and we have a nice big dinner and then we gather in the living room to have some laughs and exchange gifts.

So I like this cold weather and i don't. It has it downs with being lazy and tired but it has its ups when Christmas comes around and you get to be around your family and have a good time.